The Nups

A place where John & Heidi can write about the marriage; all the organization, all the emotional stuff, and anything else that should fit here. We might not update a lot now, as the wedding part is done, done done!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Prologue: Honeymoon Overview

If you're linking here from a goal update, this is our fourth trip. The third is here, where you can link to the others.

A significant portion of the honeymoon is coming to terms with being married. The first few days we were there, I was desperately trying to figure out what I’d gotten myself into. By the end of the week, I was there. This is going to be a good marriage. I think we ended up “doing” too much, but every now and then we’d kick back and just watch life unfold before us. We were in Italy. On our honeymoon. We were married. To each other. Wow.

Italian food is freakin’ amazing. Almost every meal we had ranked incredibly highly in our best-meals-ever list. The wine is exquisite almost without exception. And to finish it off, there’s gelato (something like Italian ice cream, but ice cream pales in comparison) everywhere. I did end up getting sick off my first pizza there, and the food outside the Vatican is crappy, but that was two meals out of many many more.

Italian bugs like ankles. ‘Nuff said.


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